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Friday, July 31, 2015

How Long Would it Take to Read Every Book in the World?

I have been curious for quite some time about this subject. If I had all the books in the world, how long would it take me to read each and every one. Obviously, there would be no possible way that anyone could read all books in a lifetime, but I'm curious how many lifetimes it would take to finish all of them. Of course this would also be considering that no one wrote anymore books from here on out. 

There are a lot of aspects to look at and a lot of specific circumstances that would have to happen, but why not check it out for myself?

On average, there are about 2,800 books published per week. That's a lot! In order to keep up on reading all the books that are being published, a person must be able to read 400 books A DAY including the weekends! That's just books that are published in that week! Could you imagine? Imagine if a person had the weekends "off," they would need to read 560 books a day! Wow! I don't even know what to say at this point. 

Now, lets assume that no one is publishing any books anymore. Let's make it impossible just for the sake of this situation. So, in the world, there are approximately 129,864,880 books in print according to a Google scholar, Leonid Taycher. First off, that's a ton of books! I would like to think that I will live a long life, so just for this post I'm going to assume that everyone will live to be 100 years old. Let's also assume that no one would be able to start reading books until they were about five years old. In that case, in order to read all 129,864,880 books, a person would have to read approximately 1,366,999 books a year!

What would that mean for books per week? A person would need to read about 26,288 a week. A day? 3,755 books. Let's break it down even further. How many books would we have to read in an hour? 156. What about a minute? 2. A second? about a fourth of a book. 

So, I have officially decided that it is physically impossible to read all the books in publication right now. My hopes and dreams have officially been ruined forever! Okay, not really, but that puts me at ease the next time someone asks me if I have read a certain book. I can say that it is impossible for me to read every book, but I would be glad to hear about it because having two people reading different books will cover much more ground than myself alone. What are your thoughts? Let me know in the comments below! 

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