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Monday, January 25, 2016

On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King Been Bookin'? Book Review

On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King was absolutely fantastic. I have always enjoyed my English classes as well as writing short stories and essays so I picked up this book. I was not at all disappointed. 

Stephen King takes the chance to write a book on the craft of writing and who better to do this! King is known as the Master of Horror and has written over 50 books to date. Obviously, he can be considered one of the greatest authors of all time. If you are someone who enjoys writing and hopes to be published someday, read this memoir. 

King starts off telling the story of how he came into writing as a child and it soon grew to a passion. He submitted several short stories to as he calls them "little magazines" and was eventually able to publish his first novel, Carrie, in his 20's after marriage and two kids. To me, that is incredibly inspiring, seeing as he was able to do what he loved as well as have a loving family. 

In the second portion, King explains his process of writing, including when and where he writes. Pointers are given throughout this portion and I will not be giving them out, out of respect for those who would like to read it. 

I must say that this book taught me more in the few short days than I think I have learned throughout my English classes in school. I love to write, but believe there is always room for improvement. On Writing has given me plenty of tips and tricks to improve my writing, from book reviews to novels and everything in between. 

Overall, I rate this book with five notes!

Hookability: 5 notes
Story/Knowledge Gained: 5 notes
Writing Style: 5 notes
Overall: 5 notes 

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