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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Gifted by Jessica George Been Bookin'? Book Review

What can I say? I was not expecting this book to turn out the way it did! Jessica George had me hooked on Gifted from the very first sentence to the last. I was constantly hungry for more, and having just finished this book, I will say I'm still quite hungry. 

Gifted follows Ava Gray and a group of friends she meets through some interesting events. Ava is immediately thrown into a whole new world when she is walking to meet a friend and ends up finding Sidra Calix dying in Hayven Books. This isn't just a normal death though. Sidra's blood is glittery and as quickly as it flows out of her body, it seems to flow right back in. Before disappearing, Sidra tells Ava that she is the only hope of saving their world. If she didn't there would be "terrible darkness." 

Ava quickly starts to realize that she is able to hear peoples thoughts and she returns to meet Theo Connors who will soon explain what's going on and prove to Ava that she is not crazy. He takes her to a whole new world called Hayven, a city within the country of Naveya where only those who are gifted can enter. That's what both Ava and Theo are. Gifted.

Throughout the book Ava meets a whole new group of friends Baleigh, Lucas, Ollie, Peyton, and Faye and together they figure out that Madrina, the evil woman who once tried to rule over all of Naveya with her followers, Cliders, are coming back and will attempt to assume they're wishes again. 

Although I felt like there was a lot of talking about things that were not really important to the story line, once I finished the book, it all made sense. Like I said before, Jessica George had me hooked from the beginning to the end and I always wanted to continue reading. After finishing, I am looking forward to more adventures from the Gifted clan! 

Jessica George is a fantastic writer. There were certain spots that could have used some revising, but that is to be expected of any book. I enjoyed her descriptive story line and the way she was able to bring you into their world. 

Overall, I give this title 4.5 notes!


Hookability: 5 notes
Writing Style: 5 notes
Story: 4 notes (only because I wanted more and there were moments when what was being said really didn't matter much)
Overall: 4.5 notes

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