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Sunday, March 13, 2016

Decoy U - Case of the Conniving Contractors by Anita Mooring Promotion!

Anita Mooring has provided me with a copy of her new book Decoy U - Case of the Conniving Contractors and I can't wait to read it! Until then, please enjoy a little tidbit from Amazon and get your own copy!

Using cutting-edge technology, Grit Inc. employs hundreds of cell phones users for surveillance.

The software program Leo Grit created tracks the location of each phone and enables Leo to alert the user that a target is in their vicinity. No one notices the college students talking on their phones, secretly recording and uploading information to the server. 

When Leo decides to take his company to the next level and bids on a multimillion-dollar government contract, he’s unprepared for the competition’s ruthless attacks to damage his company’s credibility.

Will Leo allow the large and powerful companies to bully him into submission?

Or will he use his hacking skills to retaliate in a way they won’t soon forget?

Exciting and fast paced, Decoy U will have you furiously turning pages while Grit’s fight for survival becomes far more personal than Leo could have ever imagined. 

You can get your own copy on Amazon here: http://www.amazon.com/Decoy-U-case-Conniving-Contractors-ebook/dp/B01BWY3BY4/ref=as_li_ss_tl?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1457185833&sr=1-2&keywords=anita+mooring&linkCode=sl1&tag=sittibullpubl-20&linkId=a8278985c8f70ccb0954327aee6ff799

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