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Saturday, May 14, 2016

Divorced and Scared No More Series by Tasher and Tony Haynes Promotion!!

Here is a series that would be great for any newly divorced person to help get them back on their feet. Check out Divorced and Scared No More by Tasher and Tony Haynes to purchase your copy of the three book series: http://www.amazon.com/gp/bookseries/B01DCBROP2/ref=dp_st_1498465129

Tasher is currently doing a giveaway on Amazon for the first book in the series. Check it out and you may land yourself a free book! Here are the links: https://giveaway.amazon.com/p/cfed884d2626dd48

Have you experienced Divorce?  Are you questioning what your future will be after your vows of "I do" turn into "I do not" along with the loss of all the dreams that never will be fulfilled?  Divorced and Scared No More: Emotional Support for the Newly Divorced is the first installment of the three-part trilogy written to assist readers in post-divorce related matters while providing you the motivation you need to move on.
Author Tasher speaks from personal experience; having gone through the many stages of relationships. This includes denial of a failed marriage, expressiveness needed to gain healing and how to remain emotionally grounded. You'll find ways to embrace your new found freedom and turn the lemons life threw at you into a Zesty Lemon Sorbet!
Therapist and clinical author Justin Nutt, LSCSW, LAC consulted as a technical advisor for the series. Insuring everything presented be accurate and quality material while still being a comforting, easy-to-read guide to surviving divorce.
Co-Author Tony Haynes is a practitioner of Acrostic Poetry -poetry where the first, last or other letters in a line spell out a particular word or phrase. At the end of each chapter, you can look forward to reading a clever poem from words found within the word DIVORCE.   These are poetic thoughts that ask "How did I get here?" This rite of passage has everything to do with life and our stories affects each other because we are all connected. Now it's time to peek inside and see how, where & why our lives intersect.
There are so many insightful topics in the book, which will help you feel inspired to look inward and become aware of your needs to help you live again.  There is still life after emotional death ... Isn't it time for you to be happily divorced and Divorced and Scared NO More?

Divorced and Scared No More: Practical Advice for the Newly Divorced is the second installment of the three-part trilogy written to assist readers in post-divorce related matters. Book two shares views on maintaining cordial relationships with ex-spouses, with a focus on children and extended families. Topics readers can look forward to discovering answers to include: attending special events with your ex-spouse., the impact of divorce on children, ways to arrange custody issues, how to handle separate holidays,and handling finances.  You'll find ways to embrace your new found freedom and turn the lemons life threw at you into a Zesty Lemon Sorbet!

Tasher writes this book with a Christian audience in mind; however, many readers of various backgrounds can find this series helpful... Isn't it time to be happily divorced?  You can become Divorced and Scared NO More! Quicker than you think.

Divorced and Scared No More: Dating After Divorce: From Lemons to Zesty Lemon Sorbet is the third installment of the Divorced and Scared No More series. This book shows readers how to turn the lemons of divorce into an experience of acceptance and renewal, carrying this into dating. In this reading, Tasher gives you tools to help you get back out there and find the love that awaits you. Inside this book, you'll gauge your emotional availability to see if you're ready to accept the fun and excitement that comes with dating. Here you'll learn how to put your ex and baggage behind you to engage in the present moment. Divorced and Scared No More: Dating After Divorce: From Lemons to Zesty Lemon Sorbet shows you where to find love, dating safety and how to set up your profiles on dating sites.

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