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Thursday, May 28, 2015

Thursday's Thoughts: What an Intense Article! Primates of Park Avenue Research

Thursday’s Thoughts will be dedicated to my thoughts (and hopefully your thoughts in the comments) about certain articles I’ve read throughout the week or just anything I’ve read throughout the week in general.

Yesterday, I highlighted a new book called Primates of Park Avenue by Wednesday Martin and in order to find enough information about the book, of course I had to do a little research. In doing this research, I found an article written by Maureen Callahan with the New York Post on May 24th, 2015 and was blown away. This article alone made me decide to actually post about the book.

It’s a little longer than a usual article, but not too terribly long. It basically outlines the entire book. She writes about what Martin experiences throughout the book such as “buying-in” to the cliches and groups in the Upper East Side of New York City, the fact that mothers have their hair and makeup done professionally simply to take their kids to school, the fact that moms usually turn to sleeping aids and alcohol to cope with their husbands being away for business and possibly cheating, and even the fact that Martin admits to missing the Upper East Side after moving to the Upper West Side which is “so different.”

Reading this article shocked me. I could not believe the things the mothers, and the society for that matter, put themselves through. It, to me, was like reading about a whole new planet. Yes, I knew about people that were high maintenance, but hearing all the details took that to a whole new level. Let me tell you, I would be totally screwed had I moved there after marrying someone from the Upper East Side, so I guess props to Martin for surviving. 

If you would like to check out this article, you can read it here; http://nypost.com/2015/05/24/inside-the-bizarre-life-of-an-upper-east-side-housewife/

What are your thoughts for this Thursday? What do you think about the life of mothers in the Upper East Side of New York City? Could you live to their standards? Let me know in the comments below!

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