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Monday, June 1, 2015

7 of the Coolest Bookstores in the United States

Yesterday was such a busy day! I was able to finish up a sound design video for a contest I am entering as well as work on a couple mixes for a band I recorded a few weeks back. Although I got a lot done, I forgot to post! I know. How dare I not post?!? Sorry, guys! I won't do it again ;)

To make up for yesterday since I did not post, I will be showing all of you 7 of the absolute coolest bookstores in the United States. Who doesn't love a locally owned book store? Living in Denver, I personally love the Tattered Cover. I actually just stopped by on Friday to pick out a new book. It's so amazing to walk in and be surrounded from floor to ceiling by books. It's like a land of adventure for me. Anyway, here are the top 7 coolest bookstores (in no particular order of course) in the United States that I would love to visit at least once in my lifetime.

#1. Full Circle Bookstore in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Full Circle is the largest independent bookstore in Oklahoma and they have over 60,000 new titles from all the genres you can imagine, according to their website. On top of that awesomeness, the books can be accessed by moving ladders! How awesome is that?

#2. Three Lives in Manhattan, New York

Three Lives bookstore in Manhattan, New York is a cute little bookstore focusing on satisfying it's customers needs and if that means making the store feel like home then so be it. Who wouldn't love a bookstore that feels like home?

#3. Eclipse Bookstore in Bellingham, Washington

This beautiful bookstore looks quite similar to a log cabin and to be more specific, my dream home. It has books EVERYWHERE and has amazing picture windows to enjoy the views.

#4. Tattered Cover Bookstore in Denver, Colorado

Like I mentioned earlier, the Tattered Cover Bookstore is great. I love walking into this store just to see all the possible adventures lying before me. The walls are covered with more books than you can imagine of all different genres. There are several locations in the Denver area and they are both fantastic. 

#5. The Last Bookstore in Los Angeles, California

The Last Bookstore is known for its amazing design that incorporates books along the walkways forming a ceiling above you as you walk. Among this fact, there are plenty of different books to choose from and with the great atmosphere, where can you go wrong?

#6. Small World Books in Venice, California

This cute little bookstore is placed on the boardwalk of Venice, California. On top of the great location and the great book selection, they have the cutest idea! Within the book store they have books wrapped in brown paper with a little description on the outside and call it "Blind date with a book." I think that's adorable and I want to go for that reason alone.

#7. Harvard Book Store in Cambridge, Massachusetts 

Harvard Book Store has a great selections of new and used books and according to their website, a popular author event series. It would be fun to head into this book store and be able to find maps and information on the city as well as any other reading material I want.

Have you been to any of these bookstores and if so what did you think? What are some of your favorite independently owned bookstores? Let me know! I would love to hear of more beautiful, interesting, and fascinating bookstores around the country :)

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