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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Reading Growth Chart

Bella just turned a year and I already know her favorite books. She absolutely loves Snuggle Puppy by Saundra Boynton. She will search for that specific book and sit down to read it or just bring it to me to read it for her. I am excited to see what other books she grows to love as she gets older.

My goal at this point in time is to make a scrapbook of her favorite books every year. This would be a perfect activity for any family that loves reading and as the children get older, they can help create the pages in their point of view so their love for the book truly comes through on the page.

Each page, for my scrapbook anyway, will contain a picture of Bella reading her favorites as well as a picture of her dad and I reading it to her. I would also like to provide a small description of the book. I love scrapbooking and I love reading so this activity could not be any more perfect for my family.

As the children get older I would love to make a reading "growth" chart every year that shows the kids what they were reading at the beginning of the year and what they finished out the year with. This is not only fun, but will help the kids see how much they have improved in a year.

Will you be doing this for your children? Do you have any other ideas? Let me know in the comments below!

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