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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Tuesday's Tiny Treasures: Reading What Your Kids Are Reading

Although my daughter is not quite old enough to have chapter books read to her at night, I do have plans of reading chapter books to her once she is old enough. I remember reading with my mom when I was younger and loved books like Charlotte's Web, Indian in the Cupboard, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I am excited to see what Bella will want to read with me. 

After recalling those books and moments from my childhood, I thought , "wouldn't it be great to read the same books as my kids when they are reading them?" Yes! It would be awesome to revisit my childhood while also being able to engage in conversation with my children about whatever book they are reading, not just one sided, but because I know what's going on as well. I think that is an awesome idea. 

Obviously, it will be a lot easier to read the stories (at least for a while), therefore, I can always keep up on my own reading as well. As I mentioned before, there is one major benefit of doing this with your child. You are able to engage in in-depth conversations with your child about the book because you know what is happening. This helps your child with recall as well as reading comprehension. Plus I'm almost positive your child is going to think you are awesome for simply reading their books because you want to. 

Do you read the same books as your kids? If not, would you like to start and if they have not reached an appropriate age, will you read with them once they are old enough? Let me know in the comments below!

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