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Monday, August 24, 2015

4 Great Ways to Discover New Books and Authors

I've been thinking lately that I need to start spreading my wings and finding new and great books and authors to read. But how? I found 4 great ways to find new and exciting books and authors!

#1 Library Thing
By creating an account at Library Thing, people are able to add books by name or ISBN number and then the system searches the library of congress as well as Amazon to find the perfect titles for you!

#2 What Should I Read Next?
What Should I Read Next allows readers to enter books or authors that they like and are then sent to books that are similar. It even gives you a link to Amazon to purchase said books.

#3 Goodreads
Goodreads is similar to What Should I Read Next, but it is like the Facebook for book lovers. Readers are able to add previous books they've read or ones they would like to read and the site will produce a list of recommended books. Everyone is also able to see books friends have read to give them more ideas.

#4 Which Book
Which Book allows readers to use a slider system to set specific preferences when funding books. These specifics are deep as desired length. I would recommend checking this site out!

So, how do you find more books and authors? Let me know in the comments below

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