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Monday, August 17, 2015

Reading for the Music Lover

As most of my readers probably know, I am an extreme music lover. This week is a pretty big week in my life when it comes to music. I will be auditioning for a local orchestra tomorrow night and have been practicing my butt off for a while now. What better time to post a few books that fit hand and hand with a book and music lover?

A few of these books are simply musically themed, while others are good reads for those who enjoy music and understand the basic principals. Let's get started.

#1 This is Your Brain on Music by Daniel J. Levintin

As a senior in high school I did my research paper for English on the effects of music on the brain and I used this book as a resource. Just from the amount of information that I was able to use from this title, I became extremely interested in actually reading the entire book. This book is scientifically based and really explains the effects that music has on the human brain. I suggest this book to anyone, not just the avid music lover. 

#2 All You Need to Know About the Music Business by Donald S. Passman

As a student that will be in the music business for the rest of my life no matter how I look at it, this is a definite read. This was suggested to me by a teacher, Shawn McNary, who is one of the greatest musicians and teachers I have ever known. He passed away nearly a year ago and I feel like to honor him, reading this book would be the least I could do. This book outlines the ins and outs of the music business from all angles. Want to be a producer? It's in there. How about a songwriter? It's there! Just want to book bands for a small studio? Read this book. 

#3 The Music Lesson by Victor L. Wooten

Again, this title was suggested by one of my teachers, Serafin Sanchez. He is a great musician as well an audio engineer. I would be stupid not to take this suggestion. This is more of a story of a student who finds inspiration from a philosophical teacher and learns what music is really about. Hmmm...Sounds familiar. 

#4 If I Stay by Gayle Forman

If I Stay is the first fiction book on this list and although it's main focus is not music, the main character is a student who attends Juilliard (my dream school), so there has to be a significant amount of music within the story. This is a love story that involves music. How perfect!

#5 Five Flavors of Dumb by Antony John

This is one book that I have personally read. From what I remember, it was a while ago, it was a pretty good book. Piper, a deaf 17-year-old, is asked to manage a band that of course includes her crush and several other people she could never see herself working with. She of course does it anyway which makes for a nice story. 

Have any more books that you think I should check out? Comment below. I love music so throw them at me! 

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