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Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Tuesday's Tiny Treasures: Games and Exercises to Introduce Kids to Reading

There are several different games out there for kids when it comes to anything really. Kids love games. I loved games as a kid and I'm sure you did too. I came across a few cute games that will help introduce kids to reading at an early age. 

Before I get too far, I would like to give you a link to a website that I have found to be very helpful and fun while teaching Bella to read. This Reading Mama is a fantastic blog that features several tips, hints, games and much more for young readers and their parents. All parents want their best for their kid and Becky enjoys helping parents reach their personal reading goals. I definitely recommend checking out her website.

Within her website you will find several packages that contain reading activities for all ages. My favorites include Learning the Alphabet which I am currently using with Bella as well as 1-2-3 Flip It, Spell It Pack and for the future (after learning the alphabet), Reading the Alphabet. Each product includes different ways to approach learning and a fun one at that. Kids love these!

Another great approach to instill the love of reading in our children is to provide and fun summer reading list every year. As children get older and get into junior high and high school, their teachers may provide their students with their own summer reading lists, but what about the 12 years before that? That's where us parents come in. The way I personally view this is to offer a reading list, but do not make it a requirement for the kids to complete a certain amount every year. We shouldn't make the kids do something because that only pushes them away from it. Let them decide. I do, on the other hand, suggest giving them books that they will want to read and can't wait to read because they will choose to read the titles themselves. Remember, make sure the books are at the correct reading level so you are not just sending the child back a level. 

There are plenty of great ways to teach our children how to read. Feel free to come up with your own games and ideas. There is nothing wrong with a little creativity! Do you have any tips or ideas? Let me know in the comments below!

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