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Saturday, October 10, 2015

If I Stay by Gayle Forman Been Bookin'? Book Review

When I started If I Stay I was not expecting to fall in love so quickly and have a hunger for more. Mia Hall is a typical high schooler with an exceptional gift of playing cello. She practices all the time and is also waiting to hear back from Juilliard after a phenomenal live audition. She also happens to be dating Adam Wilde, the mastermind behind Shooting Star, Oregon's most loved band of today. 

The book starts on a snow day when Mia and her family, mom, dad, and brother, decide to go for a drive to see some family friends. It all turns ugly from there. The family gets broadsided on their way to their friends and the entire family is ejected from the car. Mia "wakes" up and realizes what's happened when she sees her dead father on the road. She then sees that her mother was killed as well. After seeing her parents she comes across the body of what she believes to be her little brother until she discovers her own bracelet on her wrist. She then realizes it's her. 

Mia is then forced to follow everyone that she loves as they believe she is going to die. It is her choice to come back into life knowing her family is gone or decide not to come back at all.  Everyone will have to read the book to find out if she stays. 

This book is a wonderful story full of love and sadness. I could not get enough of it! Adam truly cares about Mia and the reader is definitely aware of that factor. I love the way that the reader gets to see what Mia see's when she can not interact with anybody, but is instead forced to deal with everything that is happening on her own. I definitely recommend this to anyone looking for a great story. Although I would classify this as a love story, it is not the typical love story we always see. 
Overall, I rate this book with 5 notes!


Hookability: 5 notes
Story: 5 notes
Writing Style: 5 notes
Overall: 5 notes 

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