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Monday, October 5, 2015

Chaser by Staci Hart Been Bookin'? Book Review

ARC provided by author.

If I thought I loved With a Twist, I was in for a surprise with Staci Hart's Chaser. I fell so hard and fast that when I finished the book, my heart shattered and I died a little bit more inside. Chaser was phenomenal! 

This was the story of Cooper Moore and Maggie Williams, the best friend and little sister of our hunk for With a Twist, West. Cooper is the rich manwhore who can never seem to settle down, whereas Maggie is the sweet southern girl who just had her heart crushed three months prior when she caught her fiancĂ© banging her best friend. On their wedding day, of all days! When Cooper sees how hurt Maggie is, he knows he needs to do something. He can not just sit back and watch her. It hurts him nearly as much. It all escalates from there. 

As previously said, Maggie moves to New York to get away from her past in Jackson, Mississippi and is now right where her and Cooper can see each other whenever they want. The catch is, they can't let West know and Maggie has set down some firm rules. No dates, no buying of presents and this will only last three weeks, no strings attached. 

As the three weeks wind down, they seem to be spending more time together. Cooper has convinced Maggie to break some of the rules and they are both beginning to realize that they want more than just three weeks. 

Maggie finally gives the okay and they plan to tell West, hoping that he doesn't kill his best friend the minute he finds out. Unfortunately, the minute Maggie gets home that night, she finds a package sent by her ex-fiance that sends all her memories flooding back and she realizes she isn't ready to move on. 

I'll leave it at that so I don't spoil it for anyone who would like to read it. I absolutely loved this book! I did realize that I like Cooper a lot more in Chaser than in With a Twist. West kind of annoyed me in this book. He just seemed like an ass even though I know he was just trying to protect his sister. 

Anyway, the storyline was fantastic, picking up from where we left on in With a Twist. I enjoyed seeing this side of Cooper, where we see that he actually has feelings and he's not just some rich pretty boy that gets everything he wants. I could really tell that Staci did her research on all the subjects within the book. There were several instances where she wrote specific jargon that not just anyone would know about showing that she knew what she was doing. With this book over, I can't wait to see what comes next! 

Overall, I rate this book with 5 notes!


Hookability: 5 notes
Story: 5 notes
Writing Style: 5 notes
Overall: 5 notes 

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