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Saturday, May 23, 2015

And Your Rating Is......

Before I get into more reviews, I thought I would define some of the terminology I will be using, simply because I might have made something up :D With each review I do, I will be giving four ratings; hookability, story, writing style, and the overall rating. I will also be using "notes" instead of "stars". Music is very important to me so I wanted to include that as well :)


Hookability is the ability the book has to keep the reader hooked. It’s that simple. I just wanted to have a cool word to go along with it.


This tells you the definition in itself. If the story is good it gets a good rating. If it doesn’t follow a good story or goes on too many tangents, it probably will not be rated very well.

Writing Style

Everyone has a different style of writing and this specific rating is purely opinion. For example John Green has a very different writing style than I was used to reading when I read The Fault in Our Stars. I loved the book and I read it in one day, but his style was something I had to get used to. 


Obviously, this will be my overall rating of the entire book. Everything mentioned above will be included as well as everything in between.

As for the “note” ratings, I would like to explain how I go about rating the books. Everyone has a different opinion about what each rating means, so here I can explain exactly what I mean by each rating.  

5 Note Rating

Perfect! This rating would be placed on a book that I have absolutely no problems with. I read it and loved every single part. I would, without a shadow of a doubt, recommend this book.

4 Note Rating

This book was great! I had very few problems arrive when reading. Of course this book was not perfect, but few things are. I would recommend this book.

3 Note Rating

This book was okay, but I have definitely read better. I had more issues about it than most books and I would feel a little iffy about recommending it to anyone.

2 Note Rating

This book was surprisingly finished. I had several issues with the overall book and I am very surprised that I was actually able to finish the book. I probably would not recommend this book.

1 Note Rating

Honestly, this book was probably not even finished. I will hopefully not use this rating much, but if I do, I will have to be sure to include whether the book was actually finished.

I pride myself on being honest and that will not change with my book reviews. If I do not like the book, I will say that. I see no point in talking a book up for no reason. Hopefully, I explained my reasonings well enough to be understood in the future :) Feel free to check this out whenever you need to refresh your memory!

Do you think these ratings are acceptable? Let me know in the comments below!

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