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Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Green Mile by Stephen King: Been Bookin' Book Review

The Green Mile is one of Stephen King’s most popular and well known books. Having a movie made based on this book made it that much more well known. Originally, King published one story per month resulting in six stories that were eventually turned into one serial novel, which is what I was able to get my hands on. 

The book is told from Paul Edgecomb’s point of view. Being a prison block superintendent at Cold Mountain Penitentiary, Paul saw a lot more death than anyone could possibly want to see in a lifetime. They did not call the block “death row,” but instead E block in order to keep the inmates more comfortable in their last days. With the other guards, Brutus, Harry, Dean, and the infamous Percy, many crazy events happen throughout the time we spend on E block. Each crazy event centered around the inmates John Coffey, Eduard Delacroix, Delacroix’s pet mouse, Mr. Jingle’s, Billy “the Kid” Wharton, and of course (in the bad cases) the jerk guard that no one liked, Percy Wetmore. None of the prison guards ever expected what was seen, including John Coffey and his unique gift or Mr. Jingle’s and his unlikely intelligence. Because I don’t want to spoil everything for anyone that has not read the book already, I will just keep it simple. Let’s just say that the movie did a FANTASTIC job at following the book.

I got The Green Mile at Barnes and Noble for only $7.99 which was a shock to me, but I’m glad I was able to get it for such a good price. I definitely recommend reading this book AND watching the movie just to be satisfied by how close they are to each other.

I rate this book with 4 notes (same thing as stars) :) Not only do I love Stephen King in general, but there are so many good points in the book. Plot twists, tear jerking moments, parts that make you laugh. This book has it all!

Hookability*: 5 notes 
Story: 4 notes
Writing Style: 4 notes
Overall: 4 notes

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think? How would you rate it?

*My made up word meaning the ability to keep you hooked and willing to keep reading. The ability to make the reader not want to put the book down.

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