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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Sunday's Solution (Weekly Tip to Help Incorporate Reading Into Every Day Life)

Sunday is as good a day as any to give you some tips and tricks to incorporate reading into your every day life. This could be reading with your kids or reading for yourself. This is extremely important when keeping your mind active and fit. Just as you would go to the gym to obtain a fit body, reading, keeps your brain fit. No matter what you read, it will do your brain good in the long run.

For my first Sunday solution, I would like to go over one way I incorporate reading into my life. It just so happens that it is associated with being fit! 

Sunday Solution #1

After having my daughter last July, I got lazy and ended up gaining more weight than I wanted to. I decided that come January, my goal was to get back into shape and achieve that pre-pregnancy weight once again. Of course, I slacked off from that New Year’s Resolution, but at the beginning of March I had had enough of being lazy and out of shape. I began working out and making sure I had around 30 minutes of cardio a day. The gym I attend happens to have a stationary bike (I don’t have my own bike so this works just as well), a treadmill, and two elliptical machines. Luckily, if I choose to use the stationary bike, I can read the entire time and keep my mind off the cardio aspect of riding a bike. 

When I run, reading is very hard for me considering I like to read physical books and don’t have a kindle or tablet of any kind to use otherwise, BUT I do know that if you do have a tablet, it is very possible to read while running (or walking). Of course, you may need to practice some to get the hang of it, but it can definitely be done. 

As for the elliptical, I find that reading magazines works better. I am able to place the magazine on the small shelf in front of the screen and it will stay on its own without having to hold it down at all. My gym provides magazines to read that have to do with exercising and a healthy lifestyle. It doesn’t matter what you read, as long as you’re reading something.

I hope this small tip helps you out the next time you go to the gym and feel like you could have a physical and mental workout. I can speak from experience (not being the hugest fan of cardio workouts) that reading definitely takes the mind off the workout. 

Do you think you would use this tip? Let me know in the comments! I love hearing feedback from my readers :)

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