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Sunday, July 19, 2015

Sunday Solution: Reading Before Bed and the Benefits You Will Receive

I don't know how you guys feel about reading before bed, but I try to read every night before bed especially when I am really getting into a book. I find myself falling asleep better when I do this. No, not because it was a boring book or anything, but because it relaxes me. I got interested in finding out if reading before bed actually has any benefits and here is what I found. 

According to Dr. Moran, there are several great benefits of reading before bed including better comprehension, recall, "object relationships," and the ability to process faces better. It is also stated that this work not only for young children with developing brains, but for young adults and adults as well. This is great for kids and yet another great reason to always read a bed time story to your children!

I, as well as others, can agree that reading relaxes me before bed and allows me to escape the real world for a while. According to a study conducted by the University of Sussex in 2009, reading before bed can reduce stress by up to 68%. That is amazing considering how stressed out people are in today's world. Imagine how much better you would feel just by picking up a book before you fall of into slumber. 

Anther great benefit of reading before bed is allowing your body and mind to get used to a routine. There's a reason we try to keep kids on a routine. Not only does it make it easier on us as parents, but it is easier on the kids' body and mind as well. We, as adults, still need a steady routine. I always feed Bella, read her a story, brush her teeth, and lay her down for bed. She's used to this and so am I. So, what should be so different for me? I can go brush my teeth and snuggle in to reading a good story before bed. I can guarantee that my body and mind will thank me later. 

It is suggested that certain reading material is best when reading before bed. It is not suggested to read a fantastic action novel that will keep you turning the pages until 4am. It is better to read a book that will keep you interested, but not awake all night. It is also recommended to read in dim light. If too much light is in the room, it could cause your senses to be stimulated, therefore, causing you to stay up longer. 

After reading all this information, I will continue my quest to read before bed and maybe even make it even more of a habit. What books would you suggest reading before bed? Let me know in the comments below or on my Facebook page Been Bookin'?

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