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Saturday, July 18, 2015

The Vow: The True Events That Inspired the Movie by Kim & Krickitt Carpenter Been Bookin'? Book Review

I have had this title sitting on my bookshelf for a while now and just recently decided to pick it up. I have never seen the movie that depicts the story, which I guess could be a good thing. I would definitely like to see the movie after reading the book. 

The Vow describes the love story of Kim and Krickitt Carpenter after a major car accident left Krickitt with a severe brain injury. Her injuries caused her to be in a coma for several weeks and left her without any recollection of ever meeting, dating, or marrying her husband, Kim. Through all the trials and tribulations the couple faced, their mutual love of God kept them together and helped them fall back in love with each other all over again. 

Having not seen the movie, I really was not sure what to expect. I knew that the movie was based on a true story, so I at least expected it to be told from the point of view of either Kim or Krickitt. The story was great. It was good news to hear that after all the bad that fell into their lives, they were able to make it through. On the other hand, I hate to say this, but Kim is not the greatest writer in the world. I realize that this is in fact a true story and not a fictional love story and I'm sure he wanted to keep it as close to the real thing as possible, but he was not very descriptive which could have made their story much more meaningful to the reader. 

His writing style was short and somewhat choppy. He did not go into much detail. Kim stated the facts in an everyday fashion as if he was having a conversation with an everyday person, which would have been okay, had he been actually talking to me, but I would have rather had more description and emotion in the book. Overall, I kind of got the feeling that he was just telling the story for show and not because he truly cared about what he was writing. Now, I'm sure that's not the case and he probably just truly was not meant to be a writer. 

Overall, I rate this book with 3 notes simply because I was pretty disappointed with the writing style. 


Hookability: 3 notes
Story: 4 notes
Writing Style: 2 notes
Overall: 3 notes

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