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Friday, August 28, 2015

Thoughts for Friday Book Discussion

As most of you have probably seen, I am reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett. For those of you who are not familiar with the book, it is dated back in the 1960's when African Americans were still fighting for their rights. This book is told from the voices of two African American maids and a white woman named Skeeter.

I was reading during my break at work and came over a passage that really got me thinking. The paragraph was coming from the maid Aibileen and Skeeter is talking to one of her "friends." Here's what it said;
           "Oh, Miss Hilly mad now. She snap her head straight. 'You know well as I do, there are good,
             tax-paying white people in this town who would fight you to the death on this. you want to let
             them get in our swimming pools? Let them put their hands on everything in our grocery

Okay, let's think about this. Back in that time period, when African Americans were really looked down upon by white people and slaves/servants were a common job for them, almost every white woman with kids, or even without kids, had a maid to help her with the housework. Now, will someone please tell me how that thought process makes sense?

Whites were not okay with having blacks come into their schools, grocery stores, bathrooms, restaurants, or anything else out of fear that they were completely different and carried diseases, but yet they would allow them to come into their homes, clean their house, take care of their children, and cook for them without a probably. Don't use the same bathroom as them though! -.-

This is very irritating. This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. I have never been someone to see the color of people's skin. We are who we are and I don't care at all what color of skin people have. The sad thing is that people really thought like that back in those days. Why was it okay to have them in your home if they were so dangerous, but not okay to have them in your grocery stores? I can not stress enough how stupid this sounds.

What are your thoughts on the subject? Do you agree with where they were coming from or do you have a point of view all your own? Let me know in the comments below!

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