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Sunday, September 20, 2015

The Help by Kathryn Stockett Been Bookin'? Book Review

Kathryn Stockett's first novel, The Help, has had great reviews and also became a film, which came out in 2011. Obviously, it took me a little while to decide to read this title, but I am glad I did. 

This book is told from three different points of view. Two from maids in Jackson, Mississippi, Minny and Abilene and one from a young white woman, Skeeter. The reader begins with Abilene and learns a bit about the life of a black maid in the 1960's. This was the point of time where slavery was against the law, yet African Americans were still fighting for their rights. Jackson, Mississippi made that quite hard for those who tried to make things better. 

Minny was next. She is a strong, proud, takes-no-crap woman who has a hard time keeping a job due to her attitude and desire to tell it like it is. Minny and Abilene are best friends as we soon find out. 

Skeeter comes in next. Skeeter is a 23-year-old white woman who has a passion for writing and aspires to work in New York. She also has an understanding and connection with the help because of her childhood maid, Constantine. Because of their relationship, Skeeter finds it easy to talk to her friend's maids and feels terrible if they are mistreated in her presence. 

Skeeter applies for several journalist jobs in New York and because of the response, she decides to write a book. This isn't just any book though. It's a book about what it's like to be an African America maid and is told through their perspective. She begins interviewing many maids throughout the community with the help of Abilene and Minny. Of course this is risky and must be done with the utmost secrecy. 

There's love and action and everything in between. It really is a great read. The Help was a book I wasn't sure I would read and if I had never seen it on a book shelf I probably wouldn't have tried to pick it up. I am glad to say that I have added it to my "read" shelf. The story line was great and definitely kept me interested. I was always curious what was going to happen next. I really liked the different perspectives and different stories from each character. It was a style I hadn't read in a long time if ever and it was a great chance of pace. 
Overall, I rate this book with four notes!


Hookability: 4 notes
Writing Style: 4 notes
Story: 4 notes
Overall: 4 notes

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